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Strong turnout at UCOP Staff Engagement updates

  • Add specific competencies to the performance evaluation process.
  • Institute mandatory career discussions between supervisors and staff.
  • Explore the feasibility of doing “360” and manager reviews.

These are among the preliminary ideas reported at the Oct. 29 and Nov. 1 meetings of the Career Development and Performance Management work groups, two of three work groups established by the Staff Engagement Initiative. The groups are researching staff feedback gathered from UCOP’s 2012 Staff Engagement Survey to make recommendations for improvements.

There is one more brown bag this week, Wednesday, Nov. 6, 12 to 1 p.m. in 5320 Franklin, the report of the Communications Work Group. Everyone is invited to attend to learn more and ask questions about the reports and next steps.

Attendance was strong and discussion was lively at the first two work group sessions, said OP Staff Assembly Staff Engagement Lead Jeanie Urban. Approximately 140 staff members participated in the sessions, with 30 calling in via ReadyTalk.

“We’ve had great turnouts and lots of good questions,” Urban said. “OP leadership and staff are truly partnering to look at the issues raised in the survey and seem strongly invested in making sure this effort leads to meaningful changes and improvements at UCOP.”

You can find reports from the first two work groups, as well as survey results and a description of the work groups’ process on the Staff Engagement website. The Communications Work Group report will be posted to the website following the Nov. 6 event.

The work groups were created based on the three key issues that emerged from the 2012 survey and have met regularly since mid-September to investigate the survey findings, do research and explore possible improvements.

At a meeting last January following the OP survey’s release, Executive Vice President Nathan Brostrom said he wants to see improvements in the three key areas and in UCOP staff’s overall engagement level. He worked with the OP Staff Assembly and UCOP Local Human Resources to set up the initiative.

Next steps for the work groups include reporting their recommendations to the UCOP Climate Council, EVP Brostrom and selected OP leadership by year-end. Then, in early 2014, the recommendations will be handed off to subject matter experts to develop action plans and engagement roadmaps in each of the three areas.

For questions, contact OP Staff Assembly Staff Engagement Lead Jeanie Urban at


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