March 30: Registration deadline for discounted UC Online Education classes

UC employees and their spouses or domestic partners and tax dependents are eligible for a 33 percent discount on nine UC Online classes, now open for enrollment.
Eight UC online classes are still open for enrollment, with the March 30 deadline fast approaching.
UC Online Education (UCOE), in partnership with systemwide Human Resources – Employee Relations, is offering the discount on UCOE courses for the term beginning April 2014. Faculty, staff and their spouses or domestic partners and tax dependents are eligible for the discount, provided they are not current UC students.
Registration is still open for the following courses:
- Terrorism & War (Science and Society 7V)
- Global Climate Change: Convergence of Biological, Geophysical, & Social Sciences (Science and Society 25V)
- Introduction to Writing and Rhetoric (Writing 39A)
- Introduction to Computer Science for Science, mathematics, and Engineering I (Computer Science 10V)
- Introduction to Latin America (History 75V)
- Calculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics (Math 19A)
- Calculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics (Math 19B)
- Introduction to Fresh Water: Processes and Policy (Environmental Science 65)
Students in UC Online Education classes will not just be watching videos, but instead will be taking advantage of a robust online community, including active discussions where students interact with each other and with instructors on a regular basis. UC instructors teach the classes, and students get UC credit.
The UCOE employee discount is a pilot program and is in addition to, and not a substitute for, the current employee-only tuition discount program for staff admitted to the university provided for in Regent’s policy 7502.
Participation by represented employees is subject to collective bargaining. Please check with your representative to ensure your eligibility prior to beginning the registration process.
Registration closes March 30, but spaces in some classes are limited; so don’t wait until the deadline to register. Classes begin March 31.
For more information, including course descriptions, visit the UC Online Education website. Select the UC Employees link for specific program information and registration instructions.