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Op-Ed: California higher ed needs sufficient funding

The leaders of the governing boards of California Community Colleges, California State University and the University of California call for increased funding for all three tiers of California higher education.

Women We Admire series: M.R.C. Greenwood, President Emerita, University of Hawaii

Don’t miss the next event in the Women We Admire series when M.R.C. Greenwood makes a visit to UCOP on Wednesday, March 11, 12 to 1 p.m., in Franklin Lobby 1.

Save the Date: César Chávez event on March 20

Join the Latino Staff Association for a light lunch and a presentation by children's author and musician José-Luis Orozco.

New UC projects target greenhouse gas emissions

The University of California could improve the energy efficiency of its buildings by as much as 50 percent through one of its new projects designed to accelerate the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions across UC.

10-second bio: Monica Johnson, from the Peace Corps to UCPath

Monica Johnson brings her world view, honed through travel and a Peace Corps stint, to her work with UCPath.

Fig. 1: The Dr. Seuss stories you’ve never heard

UC San Diego's Special Collections holds over 8500 works done by Dr. Seuss. Lynda Claassen walks us through some of the interesting unpublished works of this collection.