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Brown bag: Introduction to Performance-Based Merit Program

We invite all UCOP employees to join your Human Resources business partners and senior leaders for a short, informal brown bag session introducing the Performance Based Merit Program for 2016. Multiple brown bag sessions will be held so that you can attend on a day that is convenient for you.

The focus of these sessions will be on questions that employees may have, but supervisors and managers will find it useful to attend, too. Discussion will include:

  • The transition to performance-based merit program
  • Rubric of performance standards
  • The rating system
  • Using rating to evaluate goals and competencies
  • Q&A

The schedule of remaining brown bag sessions is as follows:

Tuesday, April 12
12 to 1 p.m.
Kaiser building

Wednesday, April 13
12 to 1 p.m.
Franklin building

To attend any of these sessions, please log in and register via the UC Learning Center. Search for “brown bag” and then register for the session that you wish to attend. The exact location (room number) will display during registration.

If you have any questions, please contact


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