Webinar: Stigma-free UC – Ending shame and silence surrounding mental illness
Mental health issues touch all of us. For example, anxiety and mood disorders appear in nearly every family; suicide rates are climbing; rates of ADHD and autism spectrum disorders are soaring. Although our understanding of, and treatment options for, mental illness have expanded dramatically over the past 60 years, public attitudes have largely remained unchanged. Stigma persists, preventing too many people from getting the help they need.
Stephen Hinshaw, professor of psychology at UC Berkeley and of psychiatry at UCSF, will present a systemwide webinar about the social and personal costs of the stigma surrounding mental illness — especially what can be done to open dialogue and ensure access to needed treatments. Hinshaw will share insights about mental health and stigma gathered both through his distinguished research career and his family history, explored in his 2017 book “Another Kind of Madness: A Journey through the Stigma and Hope of Mental Illness.”
All UC faculty and staff are invited to attend the webinar, which launches a Systemwide Human Resources effort to raise awareness about mental health issues and reduce barriers to treatment. More information about UC’s behavioral health benefits, including free services through faculty and staff assistance programs, is available here.
Webinar details:
Date: Thursday, Feb. 22
Time: 1 to 2 p.m.
Remote access:
To join online, go to https://UCOP.zoom.us/j/941574800.
To join by phone, dial 408-638-0968; Meeting ID: 941 574 800.
While every attempt will be made to accommodate all who are interested, there is a limit to the number of participants who may call in. Consider gathering with others at your location to join this conversation. A recording will be available on the UC Living Well page as soon as possible after the event for those who are unable to participate.