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OPSA #AskYourLeadership: Nancy Pluzdrak

EVENT RESCHEDULED: The previously announced #AskYourLeadership event has been rescheduled to Thursday, April 5. 

Last January, the OP Staff Assembly (OPSA) Steering Committee launched the #AskYourLeadership brown bag series. This series is part of OPSA’s commitment to ensure that our staff has the opportunity to hear from and speak to OP leadership and management.

For April, UCOP’s Executive Director of Local Human Resources, Nancy Pluzdrak, will be featured as the guest speaker. She will be addressing questions and issues that are of most concern to OP employees. OPSA featured Nancy last year in a very well-attended special brown bag.

If you’d like to submit a question for her to address at the event, please email it to by Thursday, March 29.

Date: Thursday, April 5
Time: 12 to 1 p.m.
Location: Franklin 5320

Remote access:
Phone: Press *4 from a UCOP office phone or dial 1-408-638-0968 from an outside phone. Enter meeting ID: 510 587 6453

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