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Recycle your non-records materials during Earth Week

Earth Week is here and UCOP is again holding a “non-records purge week” from April 23-27. The goal is to “D-TOKs” (delete, toss, keep stuff) our space of unnecessary non-record materials.

This year, we have even more incentive to get rid of non-records since neither the new building that’s currently being constructed at 1100 Broadway nor the reconfigured space in Franklin will have as much filing space as we currently have. The new building is expected to be available for move-in by early 2020, and more information will be coming soon in Link about how UCOP is planning for the move.

To participate in the non-records purge, you should gather materials you no longer need and dump them in the recycling bins that are available on each floor at all Oakland locations that week. Please purge only your own materials, not departmental materials or those belonging to your colleagues. Also, anything with personally identifiable information or other sensitive information goes in the shred bins.

Non-records include rough drafts, data entry sheets, multiple copies of publications, blank forms, and other materials that are not administrative records and so are not subject to records retention guidelines. Learn more about how to define a record or non-record by watching this recorded webinar. Additional records management tools can be found at

Records management and building staff will hold informational meetings on Tuesday, April 24 open to everyone to discuss the impact of the building moves on records storage, records, and non-records – and how Records Management can help you.

  • 8:30-10 a.m. at 20th Street, room 302
  • 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m. at Kaiser 1217
  • 1:30-3 p.m. at Franklin 9204
  • 3:30-5 p.m. at Franklin 9204

If you’d like Records Management to come to your department for an hour on April 25 or 26 and help you start assessing your records, please contact Records Management at 7-0399 or Sign-up sheets will be available at the informational meetings as well.

CAUTION: Do not discard records that are the subject of a litigation hold or other records freeze or have been requested pursuant to the California Public Records Act, an investigation, an ongoing audit or other legal process.

If you have any questions about whether records are required to be preserved for legal reasons, please contact your legal counsel at the Office of the General Counsel.

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