UCPath alert: Potential error message for Google Chrome users
If you use Google Chrome, you may encounter an error message when you try to access UCPath applications using single sign-on (including UCPath online, Salesforce, ServiceNow, TnT Jira). This is caused by updates that Google began releasing to the Google Chrome browser on July 14, 2020 (expected completion by September 1, 2020). The updates affect Google Chrome across all major platforms (Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS).
What to do
If you encounter this error message, please try again to navigate to the site by manually entering the URL (example: ucpath.universityofcalifornia.edu) into the web browser or using your browser history. This should allow you to access UCPath (or other UCPath application).
If the error message persists after taking the above action, use another browser to access UCPath and click on “Ask UCPath Center” to submit an inquiry.
Tags: Chrome, UCPath