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7 things to know about the flu vaccine requirement — and how to report your vaccine

UCOP employees now need to affirm their flu vaccination through UCOP Screen before entering any UC or UCOP facilities. You are not required to upload documentation of your flu vaccination.

On Tuesday, Oct. 12, all UCOP staff received a message about the systemwide flu vaccine mandate. Per President Drake’s executive order, all UC students, faculty, other academic appointees and staff who will learn, live or work on-premises at a UC facility between Nov. 19, 2021 through the end of the flu season, must receive a flu vaccine or opt out by completing the Declination of Influenza Vaccination form. See frequently asked questions for employees about UC’s 2021-2022 flu vaccine executive order to learn more about UC’s policy.

Please do not come to work if you’re experiencing any COVID-19 symptoms or if you’re feeling sick. Prior to coming to a UCOP location, Complete UCOP Screen. Visit for COVID-19 related updates for UCOP staff.

Flu shot basics: 7 things to know 

1. Where can I get the flu vaccine?
Flu vaccines are widely available — contact a retail pharmacy in your medical plan’s network or your family doctor.

2. How much will my flu vaccine cost?
All Affordable Care Act-compliant medical insurance plans, including UC’s employee health plans, cover influenza vaccination at no cost to you, as long as you follow your plan’s guidelines. Please call the member services number on your ID card if you have questions.

3. I’m working remotely due to the pandemic. Am I required to get a flu shot?
Even if you continue to work or study remotely, everyone is encouraged to obtain the 2021-2022 vaccine consistent with CDC guidance. If you may need to access a UC facility at any time from Nov. 19, 2021, through the end of the 2021 flu season, you must certify that you have received the 2021-2022 flu vaccine or have opted out by completing the Declination of Influenza Vaccination form.

4. Can I opt out of getting a flu shot?
Yes. We encourage all employees to receive a flu vaccine, but if you do not wish to do so, you must opt out by completing the Declination of Influenza Vaccination form.

5. Does the flu vaccine requirement apply to represented employees?
Yes. Represented employees are covered by the flu vaccine mandate.

6. I’m an hourly employee. Can I take time off to get my flu shot?
Yes, you may take up to two hours of paid time off; you must provide advance notice to your supervisor.

7. Does the flu vaccine requirement apply to contractors?
All members of the UCOP community are strongly encouraged to receive the flu vaccination.

Have more questions? See the frequently asked questions for employees about UC’s 2021-2022 flu vaccine executive order.

UCOP Screen FAQs

For additional questions, please contact

How does UCOP Screen work?
UCOP Screen is a short online survey that will ask questions to assess potential COVID-19 symptoms, affirm your flu vaccine, and determine if you are approved to enter UCOP facilities. You complete the survey each day you are scheduled to come to the office. It is recommended that you complete the survey before you leave for the office. If you are cleared by UCOP Screen, be prepared to show security your confirmation when you arrive at the office.

Do I need any particular information to complete UCOP Screen?
You will need to provide your employee ID, which you can find in the upper-right corner of the UCPath portal.

Can I complete UCOP Screen on my phone?
Yes. You can complete UCOP Screen on your laptop, desktop or mobile device.

I don’t have access to a computer or mobile device. How can I complete UCOP Screen?
UCOP Screen stations are available at all locations, in the lobby or another designated area. Wipes are available to sanitize computers before and after use. To avoid congestion, please complete your screen at home whenever possible. These stations are intended for staff who cannot, or forgot to, complete the screening at home.

UCOP Screen indicated that I am not approved to come to the building. What should I do?
Please stay home. Contact your supervisor and Human Resources Business Partner for guidance on the next steps.

Will my UCOP Screen data be protected?
Yes. UCOP Screen data is stored securely and access is strictly limited. UCOP Screen survey results are reviewed and compared to security badge-in reports to ensure only approved employees access UCOP facilities.

Do non-UCOP employees need to complete UCOP Screen to visit UCOP buildings?
Yes. Although visitors to our buildings are limited at this time, everyone must complete UCOP Screen every day they are scheduled and approved to be on-site.


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