Classes to support hybrid and remote work
Whether you’re working from home part time or full time, or supporting colleagues who are, UCOP Learning and Development has many professional development opportunities to help you gain the skills you need. All courses are offered virtually with a live instructor.
Select each course name to register; listings are in Pacific Time.
Box Advanced
Jan. 19, 9 – 10 a.m.
Want to know how to securely store sensitive data in Box? Interested in how to get data into Box via email or a URL? Sign up for this advanced Box class where we’ll cover a range of advanced user topics, including setting up alerts to monitor folders and using Box groups to manage department collaborations.
Collaborative Tools for Virtual Meetings
Jan. 21, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Discover and try new techniques and internet-based tools to make virtual and hybrid meetings more engaging and collaborative. Come with an open mind and ready to learn!
Zoom Advanced
Jan. 27, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Learn the advanced features of Zoom, including personal meeting IDs;
advanced web portal settings, scheduling options, sharing options and annotation; polling; breakout rooms; reporting and cloud recording.
Managing and Organizing Your Email Inbox
Feb. 8, 10 – 11:30 a.m. (Register by Feb. 2)
Are you trying to get more organized in the new year? Learn skills for email management strategies to transform your inbox into a productivity tool that can help you succeed.
Making Connections in a Hybrid World
Feb. 11, 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Connection is a crucial component in building engagement — and a productive and efficient workplace. It is widely noted that when people feel connected, healthy working relationships that foster collaboration improve. Come to this interactive workshop to experience and learn tools and techniques to support connections in the remote and hybrid world.
The Remarkable Hybrid Worker
Feb. 18, 9:30 a.m. – 12 p.m. (Register by Feb. 14)
Learn to successfully navigate hybrid work environments where you may be working with colleagues who are on-site, remote or a mixture of both. Discover how to be more productive, manage stress, practice self-care and stay motivated. Improve your people/emotional skills as well as the practical/operational side of your work. As a bonus, all attendees will receive access to a 21 Practices eCourse and Hello Mindful app.
L&D recommended resources for more learning
LinkedIn Learning videos and courses
- Communicating remotely
- Digital body language
- Essentials of mindfulness and compassion
- Leading virtually: Vulnerability and presence when working from home
- The key to making hybrid work? Meaningful engagement— Johnny Warström
- 11 ways to create community in a ‘hybrid’ work environment— Forbes Communications Council
- How to communicate when everyone is wearing a mask— Jeremy Adam Smith & Zaid Jilani
For questions, contact
Tags: hybrid work, professional development