Why one of the world’s largest digital research libraries advocates for open access — even in the face of AI

California Digital Library Associate Vice Provost and Executive Director Günter Waibel (left) and Executive Director of the Authors Alliance Dave Hansen.
At the California Digital Library (CDL), one of the world’s largest digital libraries, open scholarship, artificial intelligence and machine learning aren’t just buzzwords — they’re integral to a vision in which there are no paywalls to access research, and scholars routinely unlock new knowledge by utilizing computational technologies.
CDL Associate Vice Provost and Executive Director Günter Waibel recently partnered with Dave Hansen, executive director of the Authors Alliance, to share insights into how Universities can align their open access and AI strategies to advance science, society and the public good.
Read the whole article at UCnet
Tags: AI, artificial intelligence, California Digital Library, Dave Hansen, Günter Waibel