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Don’t forget to vote! Staff Assembly election closes midnight Friday

2014 OPSA candidates

Candidates for the 2014–15 OP Staff Assembly Steering Committee are (from left) Emma M. Sebastian, Kay Francesca Coelho, Juliann Martinez, Candace Jones, Carol Lake, Elaine Bulawin, Valerie Marble and Alina Tejera. Also running (but not pictured) is Karin Rice.

The polls close at midnight this Friday. So jump online now and vote to help select the 2014–15 OP Staff Assembly Steering Committee.

If you are a UCOP career employee, you are a member of the OP Staff Assembly and eligible to vote for up to six new members for the Staff Assembly Steering Committee. Be sure to select only six candidates; if you vote for more than six, your entire ballot will be invalidated.

Voting is easy. You can vote online 24-7 until midnight this Friday, June 27. The website includes a complete statement and photo for each of the nine candidates. They are:

  • Elaine Bulawin, Legal Support Specialist, Office of the General Counsel
  • Kay Francesca Coelho, Administrative Assistant III, Education Partnerships
  • Candace Jones, Senior Applications Manager, Information Technology Services
  • Carol Lake, Financial Analyst IV, Office of Risk Services
  • Valerie Marble, Legal Support Specialist, Office of the General Counsel
  • Juliann Martinez, Employee Relations Specialist, Human Resources
  • Karin Rice, Program/Policy Analyst 2, Office of the General Counsel
  • Emma M. Sebastian, Business Systems Analyst, Information Technology Services
  • Alina Tejera, Administrative Officer, Human Resources

Thanks to this year’s Staff Assembly Steering Committee for their service and leadership. Rotating off this year are Darlene Alvarez, Nancy Chamberlain, Claudia Escobar, Peter Forde and Gemma Rieser; remaining on the committee are Tracy FitzGerald, Matthew Leet, Dan Scannell, Jeanie Urban and Karla Wood. New members will start their two-year terms in July, and the first meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 9.

The OP Staff Assembly is an all-volunteer staff organization dedicated to promoting the interest and welfare of all career employees. It is affiliated with the Council of UC Staff Assemblies (CUCSA), the systemwide staff group with representatives from all UC campuses and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory as well as OP. All staff are encouraged to attend OP Staff Assembly meetings, held the second Wednesday of each month.

>>Learn more about the OP Staff Assembly.

>>Learn more about the Council of UC Staff Assemblies.


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  1. Matthew June 17, 2014 Reply

    Great Choices!

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