Reminder: UC posting guidelines for fliers
We’ve all seen the handmade fliers taped on the walls by the elevators, in the bathrooms and in other common spaces.
What most people aren’t aware of is that the taping of fliers on walls, refrigerators, near elevators and in other areas not only wastes paper and damages wall paint, but also violates UC policy.
The UCOP Human Resources procedure on the use of UCOP facilities by employees and employee groups, including labor unions, states that “no literature or materials may be affixed to walls, ceilings, elevators, stairways, etc., at any time.” New UCOP guidelines which went into effect on July 1, 2015, reiterate this statement and emphasize the need to balance employee community-building efforts with other considerations, such as equal access to facilities, principles of community and sustainability.
Notices on the walls announcing group activities, happy hours and other social events look unprofessional, not just for staff but also for visitors coming to UCOP from UC campuses and state government offices. Postings that do not comply with the guidelines will be removed promptly.
The Guidelines for publicizing events and activities at UCOP explains not only the rules but also the numerous options available to UCOP staff for getting the word out about their activities in a responsible, effective way. The guidelines were developed by the OP Operations Council, made up of representatives from all UCOP operational units including the Building and Administrative Service Center (BASC), local HR and Communications.
OP supports staff networking efforts and a strong employee community and offers departments and employee groups a variety of vehicles for sharing information with the OP community. These include the Link newsletter, the online events calendar, public posting areas such as the Franklin lobby and Kaiser kitchens and in-person activities such as Friday breakfasts and brown bags. Email blasts are often ignored due to information fatigue, and so are less effective in promoting activities or events than a targeted email or well-timed announcement in Link.
More information: Guidelines for publicizing events and activities at UCOP.