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Does your department have unused office supplies? Donate them!

During the week of Oct. 17, UCOP Operations is sponsoring an office supplies drive at the Franklin building. Bins will be put out on each floor to collect binders and other usable supply items, which will then be donated to a downtown Oakland non-profit that helps the disadvantaged in our community.

Most departments have large collections of unused binders and hanging file folders as the result of OP’s migration to paperless record keeping. Instead of using valuable space to store these excess materials, you can simply put them in the collection bin and help out our downtown neighbors.

Please donate only items that are genuinely useable — not old Rolodexes, outmoded printer cartridges or other items that are obsolete. Items you might have cluttering your cabinets that you’ll never use again and could be donated include:

  • Binders
  • Hanging file folders
  • Regular file folders
  • Tab dividers
  • Note pads

Thanks for helping out with this effort and congratulations on winning back your storage space!

If you have questions, please contact Fredye Harms at 7-9467 or or Donna Collins at 7-0327 or


Comments ( 3 )

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  1. Elizabeth Ellis October 11, 2016 Reply

    I love this — We have drawers full of hanging files that the BRC will be happy to donate!

  2. Charlotte Strem October 11, 2016 Reply

    Please create a say to weigh the materials we donate so we can count the weight we divert from landfill disposal – thus helping UCOP achieve our zero waste to landfill by 2020 goal (UC Sustainability Policy).

  3. Ghanya Thomas October 12, 2016 Reply

    Great idea.! I’ll spread the word to my colleagues in ITS.

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