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ICYMI: New Cal students break world record

In case you missed it, here’s a fun story from the start of this fall semester. Watch the time-lapse video above to see the entire event compressed into 44 seconds!

Give me a C! No, a really big C!

That might have been the cheer at the California Memorial Stadium on Aug. 15 when over 7,000 new UC Berkeley students broke the world record for largest letter formed by people. And they did it while shivering through a typical Bay Area “Fogust” night.

At about 9:15 p.m., the C finally took shape. All clad in dark blue and squeezed together on the field, the students launched into a familiar Cal cheer: “Go!” yelled one pocket of students, while others replied “Bears!” The repeated back-and-forth chant filled the historic 62,467-seat stadium.

Chancellor Carol Christ accepted the certificate of Berkeley’s record from Guinness World Record adjudicators Michael Furnari and Philip Robertson, who were on hand to certify that Cal had smashed the previous world record, set by 4,223 University of Tennessee students who formed a giant “T” last March.

Read full article about the event as well as other world records that have been set at UC Berkeley.

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