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10-Second Bio: Michael Thwaites


Name: Michael Thwaites

Title: Senior Systems Analyst

Department/Unit: California Digital Library

Location: 20th St., Oakland

When I Started Working At UCOP: December 1978

What I Do For OP In Five Words Or Less: I make the computer go.

The Best Part About Working For OP: The mission and the smart and interesting people I get to work with.

Something You Don’t Know About Me: My first language was Spanish, but I don’t remember any of it.

One Weird Fact About The Town I Grew Up In: I grew up in Arroyo Grande, Calif. The town was so small there were no elevators. We had to visit the county seat to ride on one. One of the main streets is Traffic Way. Going south, it’s where highways 101 and 1 separate after merging in San Luis Obispo.

If I Could Have Any Job In The World (Besides The One I Have Now), I Would Be: Scuba diving in a large aquarium.


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