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10-Second Bio: Stacey L. Johnson, Alzheimer’s advocate

Financial Analyst Stacey Johnson


Meet Financial Analyst Stacey Johnson.

In her time outside of OP, Stacey manages a foundation that was created in honor of her mother, Willie Mae Graggs-Johnson. Through the Willie Mae’s Legacy Foundation, Stacey and her sister, Tuseda Graggs, offer Loving Care Grants to help those who are caring for loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease afford respite care.

Meet Stacey.


Name: Stacey L. Johnson

Title: Financial Analyst

Department/Unit: Systemwide Procurement Services, Program Management Office

Location: Franklin Street, Oakland

When I started working at UCOP: August 2018

What I do at UCOP in 5 words or less: Financial and budget analysis/administration

The best part about working for OP: Continually meeting new people and working with incredibly smart and conscientious co-workers.

Something my colleagues don’t know about me: My sister and I were featured in a blog post focused on increasing awareness and education centered around Alzheimer’s Disease by the Alzheimer’s Association of Northern California and Northern Nevada. We also established a nonprofit organization, Willie Mae’s Legacy Foundation, in honor of our mother. Its focus is on assisting caregivers of people who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.

One weird fact about the town I grew up in: I grew up in Berkeley, California. One fact that may be weird to others, but is actually not so weird when you grow up in Berkeley, is that a “normal” city council or school board meeting generally consisted of people playing drums, whistles, bells or pots and pans with spoons. The overall ambiance of these meetings was loud, inclusive of passionate speakers and speeches with a rally/demonstration feel.

If I could have any job in the world (besides the one I have now), it would be: Conducting research and writing books on Alzheimer’s disease, as well as engaging with families, caregivers and diagnosed individuals through seminars and educational workshops.


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