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Best practices for a better email experience

We all get too much email — including copies or replies that aren’t meaningful for us or relevant to our role. By following good email practices, we can all help to reduce volume, be effective, and show consideration for colleagues at UCOP.

Email best practices

  • Keep messages short and to the point. If your message is complex, or will require several back-and-forth communications, pick up the phone or schedule a meeting.
  • Articulate the “why.” Let your recipient know if you expect any action on their part (including a response or confirmation of receipt).
  • Be aware of your tone. Consider how your message may “land” on the recipient and always be respectful. If you are feeling frustrated, take a break before emailing.
  • Write meaningful subject lines. Subject lines that succinctly convey the message content are easier to search and help convey importance. This is equally important when you are forwarding a message.
  • Only email when necessary. Ensure that the content of your messages is meaningful and necessary to all recipients. Don’t copy people unnecessarily, and remove people who no longer need to be on a chain. Avoid selecting “Reply All” unless absolutely necessary.
  • Email only during business hours unless a matter is urgent. If you send messages outside of business hours for which a response is requested, be clear that you do not expect an immediate response.

More resources

Are you trying to get more organized in the new year? Sign up for a live online course, Managing and Organizing Your Outlook Inbox, taking place Jan. 21 from 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.

And, view the UCOP Learning and Development Technology course catalog for a full listing of courses to help you be more tech-savvy.



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