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Revised UC Policy on Developing and Maintaining Presidential Policies (“Policy on Policies”)

The newly revised UC Policy on Policies was issued by President Drake on July 13, 2023. The University Policy Office, in collaboration with the Campus Policy Managers Group and key stakeholders, has been working on the substantive revision of the policy for the past two years. The Policy on Policies also went through Systemwide Review from December 2022 – March 2023. As a result of these efforts, the newly issued policy further streamlines and clarifies the requirements and responsibilities for policy development, revision, and rescission.

Specifically, the Policy on Policies includes the following key revisions:

  • Updating the policy title, scope, and summary to accurately reflect its content
  • Adding and updating definitions for frequently used terms and removal of those that are not used
  • Adding requirements such as:
    •  The use of gender-neutral terms
    •  Presidential policies must undergo a policy review every five years, or more frequently as necessary
    •  A compliance with law revision process
    •  Specifying that guidelines and procedures cannot contradict or supplant policy
  • Adding responsibilities for the Policy Action Committee, division leader, stakeholders, and required reviewers
  • Revising procedures to describe the action steps for accomplishing required tasks that must be completed

The University Policy Office has also updated the Policy Toolkit webpage to align with the substantive revisions of the policy.

If you have any questions regarding the Policy on Policies, please contact Ian Harazduk or the Policy Office.


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