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Explore the economic clout of a UC degree

UC researchers have dug into reams of data to understand the outcomes associated with a UC degree. The picture that emerges is one of significant economic and social impact in the years ahead — not just for the roughly 84,000 new graduates in the Class of 2024 but for all of California.

For starters, that new diploma is usually a ticket to the middle class or beyond for students from low-income families, who this year make up about 41 percent of those earning a UC bachelor’s degree.

A majority of UC undergraduates from low- and middle-income families go on to earn more than their parents, the data shows. And for low-income students, that upward trajectory happens fast — within five years of graduating.

But beyond the economic lift that a UC degree confers on our alumni, communities all over California benefit from their contributions.

Read the full story from the UC Newsroom

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