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OP Staff Assembly election results announced

Robert Cook joins returning OPSA steering committee members Tracy Fitzgerald, Matthew Leet and Karla Wood for the 2015-16 term.

Performance self-evaluations due July 10

If you’ve been putting off your performance reviews, now would be a good time to get started! There are just a few days left before the deadline for employee self-appraisals.

Vote online for Staff Assembly through July 10

Voting for OP Staff Assembly leaders end this Friday, July 10. Read the candidates' statements and cast your ballot for up to four candidates.

One ringy-dingy: New phones coming your way

The UCOP phone system is being replaced over the next months. Get details about equipment, training and the schedule for the switch.

Two UC staff elected to retirement system advisory board

Michael A. Fehr of UCLA and Naomi Nakamura of UCSF Medical Center have been elected staff representatives to the University of California Retirement System Advisory Board.

BRC Blast: Fiscal close deadlines

This month's Business Resource Center newsletter — the BRC Blast — gives deadlines for closing out FY 2014-15.

Pension advisory board election ends tomorrow

Active, eligible UC Retirement Plan (UCRP) staff members who are not members of the Academic Senate may vote for two new representatives through June 17.

eAppraisal now open for employee self-appraisals

It’s officially performance appraisal season, time for UCOP employees to complete their self-appraisals. Take this opportunity to reflect and get feedback on accomplishments, areas needing improvement and goals for the coming year.