Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

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Brown, Napolitano report on budget discussions

The governor and the UC president describe talks as "positive," "productive" at UC Regents meeting.

Nomination process for UC Retirement System board election under way

UC staff interested in running for one of two open seats on the UC Retirement System (UCRS) Advisory Board may submit nomination applications now through May 1, 2015.

Jack Peltason

Jack Peltason praised for contributions to UC system and UC Irvine

The emeritus UC president and chancellor of UC Irvine died March 21 at age 91 after a lengthy battle with Parkinson's disease.

New phone system coming to UCOP

The replacement of OP's 1990s-era phones with a state-of-the-art system will be done in stages over the next several months.

Movin’ on up at UCOP

A new brown bag series sponsored by the OP Staff Assembly focuses on the challenges, successes and inspirations of various staff members as they've risen in the ranks.

Earth Day: Call for volunteers

OP Staff Assembly is organizing several events with meaningful, fun ways for you to get involved, including a cleanup of Channel Park. They're looking for volunteers so sign up to help, and bring family and friends!

UC Santa Barbara goes lights out to win energy conservation contest

The contest is part of an effort to engage more students in UC President Janet Napolitano’s Carbon Neutrality Initiative, which commits the UC system to produce zero-net greenhouse gas emissions by 2025.

Comments on compensation policy due March 26

The University of California is proposing revisions to two staff policies and has invited comments from employees. Comments on the first — PPSM 30, Compensation — are due Thursday.