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Calling all entrepreneurs: Build and sustain your own business

In a new webinar from the UC Alumni Career Network, panelists will share what they’ve learned as business owners and offer advice on what you need to do to start your own business.

Handling difficult conversations at work

The UC Alumni Career Network offers real-world advice from the UC community about addressing difficult conversations so that all voices are valued.

Woman looking through binoculars

Here’s what’s in store for the future of travel

How are travel habits and airline requirements changing because of the pandemic? Find out in a recent episode of the UC Alumni Career Network.

UC Alumni Career Network travel episode banner

This Thursday: Explore the future of travel

Join the UC Alumni Career Network for a fascinating exploration into the future of travel — and what we might expect as travelers.

The Future of Travel

What does the future of travel look like? The UC Alumni Career Network presents a conversation with travel enthusiast Christy Dobbs (’92, UC Berkeley) and Melinda Yee Franklin (’85, UC San Diego), managing director

Are you a first-gen professional? Don’t miss this career advice

Learn from UC graduates who were first in their families to graduate from college as they share their stories, tips and advice for navigating the professional workplace.

Learn how to address and avoid job burnout

Learn to improve your relationship with work in this informative webinar from the UC Alumni Career Network.

Harness the benefits of networking: Here’s how

If you’re ready to bring your career to the next level, turn to your colleagues and tune in to the latest episode of the UC Alumni Career Network. Try these tips to level-up your career.