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Thursday: Explore tech careers with OPSA and ITS colleagues

Join the OP Staff Assembly and colleagues from local and systemwide Information Technology Services for a Zoom conversation on how varied skills and experiences can be leveraged within IT careers.

Van Williams

Artificial intelligence workshop at UCLA unites university leadership

More than 250 senior UC administrators discussed initiatives, opportunities and challenges related to artificial intelligence at UC.

Shirley and Van headshots

Join OPSA for a January panel on diverse IT careers

Today’s IT landscape offers opportunities for individuals with many diverse educational and professional experiences.

OPSA panel will focus on how IT careers encompass diverse skills and experiences

Whether you're considering a career change, exploring new paths or curious about IT jobs, this event will broaden your knowledge of the IT landscape.

Van Williams

Video: Van Williams shares UC Tech Diversity Vision and Value Proposition

Learn about the value of joining the UC Tech community.

Network map of California

‘The UC Effect’: Shaping the future of AI

A gathering in late February brought together minds from across UC to envision the university's role in shaping AI in service of the public good.

Van Williams

Van Williams shares his perspectives during fireside chat

The engaging session provided a unique opportunity to understand the University of California’s priorities, from both a diversity and technology perspective.

Attend a fireside chat on UC technology with Van Williams

Van will discuss his past two years leading systemwide information technology initiatives and programs, his plans for the UC tech community and more.

Van Williams

UCBAC leadership event will feature Van Williams

The 2023 UC Black Administrators’ Council Summer Webinar Series has been featuring a diverse array of topics for UC colleagues.

Van Williams, Pamela Brown and Andenet Emiru

Watch Van Williams, Pamela Brown and Andenet Emiru discuss equity

Hear from Van Williams and Pamela Brown as they share their journeys and perspectives in equity, diversity, inclusion and anti-racism.