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4 October 2011 OP Headlines
Bring your questions to UCOP's third annual President’s Town Hall, Friday, Oct. 7, at the Elihu Harris State Office Building Auditorium. Leave early to allow for security screening.
3 October 2011 Applause
UCOP’s Flu Shot Clinic is coming to 5320 Franklin on Wednesday, Oct. 5, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. The clinic is open to all Oakland- and Berkeley-based UCOP staff on a first come, first served basis at a cost of $25.
3 October 2011 Open Forum
Come meet and mingle with UC's graduate deans at a panel discussion on Monday, Oct. 10, 3 to 4 p.m., in Franklin Lobby One Conference Room. The event is sponsored by the Office of Research and Graduate Studies.
3 October 2011 Did You Know?
Learn more about how financial markets work by attending one of UC’s financial education classes, at no cost to you. Fidelity Retirement Services provides the classes as part of UC’s financial education program for faculty and staff.
3 October 2011 UC In The News
UC Berkeley Professor Barbara Allen-Diaz, associate vice president of Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR), has been appointed to a term position as systemwide ANR vice president, effective Oct. 1.
UCOP staff are invited to join an online program that encourages taking small steps to achieve goals for improved nutrition, a more active lifestyle and better overall fitness.
UC Davis Graduate Dean Jeffrey Gibeling, shown here with UC graduate deans and students at last May's Advocacy Day in Sacramento, will be in attendance at UCOP's Oct.10 panel in Franklin Lobby One.
2 October 2011 Did You Know?
UCOP staff, like these Franklin folks at last month’s First Friday breakfast, can now take time to commune with colleagues and senior leaders at the monthly events.
Three 90-minute public sessions are offered in October to demonstrate UCOP's new budgeting tool, a web-based planning software that will facilitate and standardize the budget development process across the organization.
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