Make your meetings smarter: brown bag on meeting tech
Make your meetings more productive! Find out how to take advantage of the wide range of meeting rooms and meeting technologies available to UCOP employees for both on- and off-site meetings at this brown bag, Friday, July 27, 12 to 2 p.m. in Franklin Lobby 1 Conference Room.
Representatives from Building Services, the BRC Event Services Group and Information Technology Systems will be on hand to provide tutorials and answer some of these commonly asked questions:
- What room configurations are possible for my meeting in Lobby 1?
- What is the best conference call solution for my meeting?
- What do I need to know to set up a successful videoconference?
- How can I work most effectively with ITS for my meeting presentation?
The main program will take place from 12 to 1 p.m., with an overview and topic-specific workstations. That will be followed from 1 to 2 p.m. by one-on-one Q&As and building tours for those interested in additional information.