UC Living Well welcomes Optum Wellness Specialists
Whatever your personal health goals, UC Living Well — the systemwide wellness initiative — has a program to help you reach them. Just ask Sandy Wilson and Jessalynn (Jessi) Bush, the new Optum Wellness Specialists, who began working at UC campuses and medical centers in January. Optum is partnering with UC this year to support wellness programming across the UC system.
“Health and wellness is something I’ve always been interested in,” said Bush. “I love when I can see that change in the people I’ve helped.”
Bush and Wilson are integral to the UC/Optum partnership as “front line” support for the programs offered through Optum, including a wellness website with online coaching programs, the ability to work one-to-one with a wellness coach over the phone and more.
They are becoming regular fixtures on campuses and have already attended a number of wellness events at various locations, meeting faculty and staff, building awareness of the UC Living Well program, answering questions and supporting the existing network of UC wellness coordinators. Check out uclivingwell.ucop.edu to learn more about all of the resources available to you.
It can be hard to find that extra motivation and know where to start when you want to improve your health. Jessi and Sandy are here to make it easier.
“There are already a lot of things people can do on each campus as part of UC Living Well. I’m excited to find out what’s happening and apply it to other campuses,” said Wilson. “Also, I’ve been an Optum Wellness Coach, helping people over the phone, so I can explain the impact that working with a coach can have. I know of many success stories.”
“You don’t have to do it alone. There are lots of free resources available to you,” said Wilson. “We’re here to guide you to these resources.”
Bush is supporting the campuses in Northern California including Berkeley, Davis, Merced, San Francisco and Santa Cruz as well as Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and Office of the President, and Wilson is supporting the locations in Southern California including Irvine, Los Angeles, Riverside, Santa Barbara and San Diego.
“I’m excited about having an overall wellness effort that reaches each location, while also keeping in mind the specific activities and culture at each of them,” said Bush.
Look for your Optum Wellness Specialists at UC Living Well events at your location throughout the year. If you’re ready to make a change, or just need extra support to stay on track with your current wellness plan, stop by to speak with them. Or, if you cannot make your location event, feel free to contact them by email: Jessalynn.Bush@Optum.com or Sandy.Wilson@Optum.com.
Find out more, including how you can earn a $75 gift card for your participation in wellness activities, on the UC Living Well website.