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Application period now open for OP Communications Advisory Subcommittee

Are you good at solving problems? Eager to help facilitate staff engagement? Interested in learning about employee communications?

The OP Communications Advisory Subcommittee (CASC) is looking for six people who fit that description.

The idea for a communications subcommittee of OP Staff Assembly (OPSA) originated in the 2014 Staff Engagement Initiative, when staff expressed interest in helping to strengthen and facilitate communications throughout UCOP. The current members of CASC have completed their term, which gives other OP staff the chance to explore this opportunity.

CASC serves in an advisory capacity to OPSA and UCOP Internal Communications on issues involving communication within the OP community. Members of CASC are asked to provide input on selected communications, relay feedback from the OP community, help to disseminate messages and support communications projects.

Serving on CASC is intended to be a learning experience and professional development opportunity. Members may help create articles for Link or assist in planning and facilitating staff events.

Sound interesting? To learn more, please visit the CASC webpage, and be sure to download and read the CASC Fact Sheet for full details.

After reading the information, if you would like to apply to serve on CASC, please fill out the application and return it no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 19.

CASC members must be available to meet from 12 to 1 p.m. on the first Wednesday of each month. Other informal interactions and meetings may also be required at times. Members should be able to commit at least two hours per month to CASC duties.

Please send any questions to


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