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Meet Elizabeth Engel, new chief strategy officer for UC Health

Elizabeth Engel has joined UCOP as chief strategy officer for UC Health, reporting to John Stobo, executive vice president for UC Health.

“We believe that Elizabeth’s skills in bringing diverse groups together to work effectively on a common goal will be extremely valuable in advancing strategic initiatives across the diverse entities that are part of UC Health,” says Stobo.

Engel has over 20 years of strategic health policy and regulatory experience spanning government, corporate and nonprofit organizations. She recently served as head of health policy at Google, where she was the global lead policy advisor and strategist for all of Google’s products and ventures in the health space; in this role, she convened and coordinated across departments to produce direction regarding the regulation of cutting edge health data and technology. Prior to Google, she was a managing director at the Glover Park Group, a strategic communications and government affairs firm in Washington, D.C., where she co-led the Health and Wellness practice, providing counsel on a wide range of health policy issues to client corporations, non-profits, advocacy groups and coalitions from virtually all sectors in the health system.

Engel has also spent significant time in the federal government, including with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Obama-Biden transition team, and the U.S. Senate Democratic Policy Committee. With prior positions working for former Senate Majority Leader Reid and leading the legislative office at HHS on Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, and other areas of health policy, Engel’s experience at the federal level complements the diverse interests of UC Health. She also has substantial academic medical center experience, having served as medical center counsel at Stanford University.

Engel received her Bachelors of Arts from UCLA and completed her Juris Doctor at UCLA School of Law.

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