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Join BSFO in getting fit while giving back

Find healthy balance in your life and meet your health and wellness goals while supporting the Black Staff and Faculty Organization (BSFO) Scholarship Fund!

Throughout the month of December, you’re invited to join BSFO for a virtual health and wellness challenge. Register yourself and your family, then exercise whenever and wherever you’d like.

Proceeds will benefit current UC-enrolled students who participated in a UC Academic Prep Program. BSFO is proud to host this community event to promote health, athletics and education.

How it works

Step 1: Complete the online registration.

Step 2: Make a donation (suggested amount: $20) through CashApp ($UCOPBSFO) or Venmo (@UCOP-BSFO).

Step 3: Any time during the month of December, complete your fitness challenge and log your activity and time.

Step 4: Challenge a friend! And, enjoy the fact you not only did something good for yourself, but also gave back to our awesome beneficiaries — enrolled University of California students!

For even more fun and bragging rights, download a bingo card with common items you might see during a walk (birds, clouds). When you spot one of these items, mark your card with an X. Get five Xs in a row horizontally, vertically or diagonally to win!

Share photos of your activities and winning bingo cards on Instagram — then tag @BSFO_UCOP and use the hashtag #UCOPBSFOHealth. We’d also love to see your photos on BSFO’s #health-fitness-challenge Slack Channel.

Register now!

We appreciate your support!  If you have any additional questions email us at The co-chairs for this event are Claire Donnelly & Bridget O’Neal.


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