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Catherine Burns shares how to leverage Gartner to drive your development

Senior Trainer and Content Developer Catherine Burns, part of the UCOP Learning and Development team, shares her experience using Gartner.

Senior Trainer and Content Developer Catherine Burns

Are you in the driver’s seat when it comes to your own professional development? Recent research says that 44% of employees want more control and ownership over directing their own learning. But many of us may feel we’re idling with the key in the ignition, not sure how to get started.

That’s where Gartner comes in.

Here’s the learning journey I mapped for myself in under an hour using Gartner:

I start by getting curious: What am I noticing at work? What patterns or changes are emerging? Where am I feeling stuck, stagnant, or stifled?

I’m especially perplexed by how to work collaboratively in a hybrid environment, and I start by navigating to the Research tab to see what the experts have to say. I’m not the only one with questions about hybrid, and Gartner has compiled a whole resource center for this topic: Future of Work Reinvented.

I navigate to a 3-minute crash-course: Expert Insight Video: Future of Hybrid Working. After gaining insight into the four modes of collaboration, I start wondering about what skills I might need to collaborate more effectively in this new working environment.

This brings me to my next pit stop: a 10-minute article on Developing Skills for the Hybrid World. As I scan the list of top skills becoming increasingly important in a hybrid world, I zero in on the fifth: problem solving. I’m reminded of the meeting I recently facilitated on Zoom where we all just stared at each other when we hit a snag in our project plan. It was so awkward! I wonder how I can keep that from happening again.

Rounding the bend to the Tools & Benchmarks section, I find the Guide to Problem-Solving and Generating Implementable Ideas. This handy guide includes a downloadable PowerPoint template so I can integrate it into my next meeting agenda and keep honing my problem-solving skills. I make sure to hit the Save button, and this tool parks itself right in My Library so I can reference it later and share it with my team.

Ready to hit the road on your own learning journey? Check out the Gartner quick-start guide from UCOP Learning and Development!


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  1. Amy Vrizuela June 20, 2023 Reply

    Great article!!! I’m definitely checking out the Gartner quick-start guide. Thanks for making sharing the journey. It was such an interesting way to learn about the topic.