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One in four MacArthur ‘geniuses’ this year has UC bona fides

E. Tendayi Achiume, Alice Miñana Professor of Law at UCLA, is among this year's class of MacArthur Fellows.

E. Tendayi Achiume, Alice Miñana Professor of Law at UCLA, is among this year’s class of MacArthur Fellows.

Three University of California faculty and two alums are among the 20 winners of this year’s MacArthur Fellowship awards, commonly known as the “genius grants.” The awards recognize people who bring outstanding originality, dedication and drive to their fields.

UC alums and faculty are a perennial presence on the esteemed annual roster, and their areas of expertise run the gamut. This year’s class of UC-affiliated MacArthur fellows includes an international legal scholar, a reproductive health researcher, a climatologist, an environmental engineer and a computer scientist. What they share is a commitment to tackling consequential issues that are shaping the future of our state, our nation and our world.

Read the full story from the UC Newsroom


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