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Explore Judy Thai’s journey as a digital accessibility advocate and leader

Judy Thai headshot

UCOP Director of Application Engineering Judy Thai

UC Tech News recently published an informative interview with our colleague, Director of Application Engineering Judy Thai. In the article, Judy shares:

  • Her background as a first-gen college student at UC Berkeley
  • Insights from her 28-year UC career
  • Her passion for digital accessibility, including advancements she has helped to lead
  • Opportunities for all staff to help promote digital accessibility at work

“Perseverance is very important, and whether you’re a student or an employee, you will face obstacles. A little at a time is how you make progress here,” says Judy.

Read the article from UC Tech News

For more of Judy’s insights on digital accessibility, join her National Disability Independence Day conversation with Business Intelligence Technical Lead Beena Albert. The event will take place July 26, from 11:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. (PT). Learn more here.

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