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You can learn how to be a project manager

UCOP Learning and Development looks forward to offering Project Management 1 — our foundational project management course series — beginning next month.

Participants will meet virtually on Sept. 5, Sept. 11, and Sept. 18 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for topic-focused sessions. Led by highly rated trainer Raj Kapur, this beginner-level course covers the basics of initiating, creating and managing projects of all sizes. Get ready to help your team collaborate more effectively and boost your career!

Register through the UC Learning Center

Workshop overviews

Part 1: Initiating a Project (Sept. 5)
Learn to recognize the critical importance of having a clear, shared understanding of a project at the outset by creating a comprehensive project charter, or decision document. In session you’ll learn to identify and define:

  • Your project’s purpose, business value, objectives, assumptions and constraints
  • The project scope, complexity and correlation to other projects and activities
  • How success will be measured, and warning signs to watch for
  • Identifying stakeholders — including analyzing their priorities and impact

Part 2: Planning and Estimating a Project (Sept. 11)
Discover how to build a professional-grade project plan and detailed estimates. In this workshop, you’ll learn how to:

  • Construct a breakdown of work and network diagram
  • Manage and adjust the project scope and timeline through critical path analysis
  • Create plans for project staffing, change management and communications
  • Develop effort, duration and budget estimates — then calibrate them based on resource assignments

Part 3: Scheduling and tracking a project (Sept. 18)
Learn to convert a project plan and estimates into a project schedule, and to track and communicate the project status as it progresses. This session will teach you how to:

  • Create a project schedule — and analyze it for optimization
  • Understand how project management software can streamline tasks
  • Conduct effective progress reviews, including evaluating vital signs and monitoring ongoing risks

Please note that participants must attend all three sessions to receive course credit and be eligible for Project Management II. For questions or more information, contact


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