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Reminder: Office cleaning procedures for Oakland Franklin & Broadway buildings

To help keep our workspaces clean and comfortable for everyone, we want to remind employees with offices in UCOP’s Franklin and Broadway buildings in Oakland about important custodial procedures that are already in effect.

Key reminders

  • Locked offices cannot be cleaned. If your office door is locked, custodial staff cannot enter to empty trash or clean the space.
  • Place your trash bin outside your office door if you would like it emptied. This helps ensure that your trash is collected even if you’re not present.
  • Custodial services take place Monday through Friday, from 5:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
  • Food and other trash can also be disposed of in the kitchen bins. This option is always available and helps prevent odors in individual offices.

Thank you for your cooperation in helping us maintain a clean, organized and welcoming work environment for all.

For questions about custodial services, contact the Work Management Center.

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