Director of Violence Against Women Act appointed
Senior Vice President and Chief Compliance and Audit Officer announced the appointment of a systemwide director to manage and coordinate UC’s efforts in the areas of the Violence Against Women Act/Clery Act, Title IX and sexual violence/sexual assault:
I am pleased to announce that after a nationwide search Jody Shipper has been selected as the Systemwide Director of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)/Clery Act, Title IX and sexual violence/sexual assault. This position was created in response to the identified need for UC to manage and coordinate these related areas.
Jody brings to this position 18 years of direct, hands-on experience in the fields of Title IX, civil rights, employment law, and workplace and academic investigations. Prior to joining UC, Jody served for 11 years as the Title IX coordinator and executive director of the Office of Equity and Diversity at the University of Southern California. She lectures extensively at universities and conferences throughout the United States on Title IX law, institutional responsibilities and the implementation of best practices regarding Title IX, VAWA and Clery obligations. Jody received her J.D. from the UC Hastings College of the Law and her bachelor’s degree from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Services.
Please join me in welcoming Jody to our team and the university. Jody will start her position on September 15 and will be located at the UC Office of the President.
Sheryl Vacca
Senior Vice President and
Chief Compliance and Audit Officer