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31 January 2012 OP Headlines
All non-represented employees will begin using the new electronic Time Reporting System in February. More detailed information will be distributed soon on how to access and use the system.
18 October 2011 OP Headlines
Come hear Professor Aaron Belkin, one of the nation’s leading experts on the 1993 policy that banned openly gay and lesbian people from serving in the military. He will describe the work that led to repeal of the policy on Sept. 20.
11 October 2011 OP Headlines
Jane Wellman, a nationally renowned expert on higher education policy, spoke about the mismatch between public perceptions and fiscal realities for universities nationwide, during an Oct. 5 talk for OP staff.
28 June 2011 Did You Know?
Rates for most faculty and staff will rise to 3.5 percent of pay, up from roughly 2 percent for most employees. You will see the amounts reflected in paychecks for July earnings, out between July 20 and August 6.
14 June 2011 Open Forum
HR staff will host a brown bag lunch on June 20, 12 to 1 p.m., in Franklin Lobby One Conference Room to discuss the role of both supervisors and employees in giving and receiving performance reviews. The event will also be broadcast live on Ustream TV.
14 June 2011 Applause
While the University of California is best known for stellar academics and innovative research, it is also becoming a leader in enterprise risk management. From Harvard University to Singapore’s largest health care organization, dozens of institutions are emulating UC's program.
7 June 2011 OP Headlines
UC's two-year effort to launch an in-house retirement administration service center is now complete with the launch of customer relations management software that improves service and cuts costs.
The OP Staff Assembly will host a Town Hall meeting with President Yudof on July 7 from 2-3:30 p.m. Mark your calendars now for this important event and check next week’s Link for additional details.
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