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2013-14 OPSA steering committee

Deadline this Friday for declaring your candidacy for OP Staff Assembly

If you want to run for OP Staff Assembly's six open seats for 2014-15, throw your hat in the ring by 5 p.m. this Friday, June 6.

President Napolitano at Hastings

Efficiency Review improvements include cloud computing, videoconferencing

The latest measures to be implemented as part of the UCOP Efficiency Review include a new cloud computing system, video conferencing and electric vehicle charging in the Franklin garage.

Cover of Lean In, book by Sheryl Sandberg

Lean In conversations continue June 5: Don’t leave before you leave

Bring your lunch to the June 5 facilitated conversation on women's empowerment in the workplace, 12 to 1 p.m. in Franklin Lobby One.

UC Santa Barbara Community Fund honors victims of Isla Vista tragedy

UC Santa Barbara Chancellor Henry Yang has established a new fund to honor the students who died in the Isla Vista shooting.

President Janet Napolitano issues letter to UC community

In a letter to the university community regarding Friday’s rampage near UC Santa Barbara, President Napolitano asks colleagues to join her in sending thoughts and prayers to the victims of the tragedy, their families and the entire Santa Barbara community.

UCOP's Franklin building

Join a new online group to meet colleagues and break out of your work ‘silo’

In order to foster collaboration between departments and promote connections throughout UCOP, the Efficiency Review work group is sponsoring an online forum where staff can exchange ideas, share work and interact with the aim of improving OP’s overall efficiency.

10-second bio: Meet Kathy Stevens, a fan of UCOP’s Weight Watchers at Work

The Castro Valley native lost 50 pounds through the UCOP Weight Watchers at Work program, after years of yo-yo diets.