Women We Admire: President Napolitano to speak today, Tuesday, July 22
UC President Janet Napolitano will appear at the next Women We Admire talk, giving UCOP the opportunity to hear from her on two different subjects in the same week.
UC President Janet Napolitano will appear at the next Women We Admire talk, giving UCOP the opportunity to hear from her on two different subjects in the same week.
If you want to be ready to participate in UCOP's Aug. 4-8 Records Compliance Week, don't miss today's webinar, an orientation to the UC Records Retention Schedule.
UC President Janet Napolitano will hold a town hall on July 23, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m., at the Elihu Harris State Office Building Auditorium in downtown Oakland.
Celebrate the success of UCOP’s Mentorship Program and see for yourself what the mentorship experience is all about, 3 to 5 p.m. on the Franklin fifth floor patio.
If you have pre-diabetes or are at risk for developing diabetes, don't miss Preventing Diabetes, July 23 and 28, the next event in UCOP's Wellness Series.
Beginning this month, the CFO Division's Lunch and Learn talks will be open to all UCOP. So bring your lunch and prepare to learn all about UCOP.
The OP Communications Advisory Subcommittee is recruiting six members to form a new subcommittee of the OP Staff Assembly that will convene this fall.
Act now! The American Heart Association’s Heartsaver® workshops in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and the automated external defibrillator (AED) are already filling up.
Today's Lean In conversation about empowering women in the workplace will focus on the topic of making your partner a real partner.
Look for a new online tool that will make this year’s performance reviews easier to do and expand their usefulness as a year-round planning and development resource.
Come to the Healthy Sleep class, Monday June 23, to help identify sleep problems and learn what you can do to get the rest you need. The session is part of a monthly series offered through December.
If you’re interested in helping to plan for the present and future development of UCOP staff, consider joining a focus group on succession planning, which arose from the UCOP Efficiency Review.