Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

Apply for the OPSA Steering Committee — plus an updated May 10 meeting time

Help make UCOP an even better place to work by joining your colleagues on the OP Staff Assembly Steering Committee.

Play bingo with OPSA & UC colleagues on Friday, May 19

Meet colleagues from UCOP and around UC while playing a fun online bingo game.

Leading Toward Equity conversation on May 10

Join us to hear from and engage with leaders as they share their EDI journeys.

UC Global Accessibility Awareness Day event: Your Path to Accessibility

Join systemwide UC colleagues for a fun and informative webinar about digital accessibility on May 18.

Leading Toward Equity will feature Rachael Nava, Paul Williams and Shirley Bittlingmeier

Mark your calendar for Wednesday, May 10, to hear from and engage with leaders as they share their EDI journeys.

Reminder: Oakland Community and Connection Breakfast on Wednesday

Join UCOP senior leaders and your colleagues for our second breakfast networking event in the Oakland Broadway Conference Center.

Friday: CUCSA will feature UC Latinx staff leaders

The roundtable discussion will feature Edward Abeyta, Lupe Gallegos-Diaz, Juliann Martinez and Crystal Petrini.

Thursday: Join LaSA for a Charla de la Tarde focused on UC financial aid

LaSA invites you to join an afternoon chat featuring Aprí Medina and Jamal Collins on choosing student financial aid packages.

CUCSA features UC Latinx staff leaders

The Council of UC Staff Assemblies Latinx Staff Leadership Panel will feature four distinguished Latinx staff leaders in the UC community.

UC Santa Cruz student researcher standing by the ocean in a yellow raincoat

SERG spotlights the future of CA water

Join SERG for an Earth Week event celebrating UC research and insights into water in California.

#SpeechMatters 2023 conference highlights

Watch videos from all sessions of the 2023 #SpeechMatters conference: "Fighting for Our Democratic Freedoms."