Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

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2023 Grad Slam winners: Brandon Tsai, UCLA; Elissa Monteiro, UC Riverside; Julia Mouat, UC Davis; and Aneelman Brar, UC Merced. (Photo: Robert Durell)

Grad Slam is on! Tune in and vote on May 3 as grad students wow in 3-minute talks

UC’s Grad Slam delivers a masterclass in concision and cutting-edge research.

Boy holding a blackberry, surrounded by other children

Take Our Kids to Work Day is April 24

UCOP’s first TOKTWD event since the COVID-19 pandemic will be celebrated in Oakland and at the UCPath Center.


Join UC Travel and UC Procurement for an Earth Month event

On April 29, Abim Odusoga will explore the State Agency Buy Recycle Campaign and its impact on UC's purchasing practices.

Businesswoman relaxing outdoors

FSAP will host virtual events throughout Mental Health Month

Join us for a series of events and resources to promote mental well-being and foster a supportive community at UCOP and UCSF throughout May.

A blind woman uses a computer with a refreshable braille display, a technology device for people with visual disabilities.

May 16: Attend a UC Global Accessibility Awareness Day event

Join the UC Electronic Accessibility Committee for GAAD 2024: Putting Together the Accessibility Puzzle Pieces.

#speechmatters 2024: Politics, Polarization and Perils on Campus

Explore politics, polarization and perils on campus with #SpeechMatters this Thursday

Join legal experts, journalists and college and university leaders for a lively and dynamic half day of discussion.

Take Our Kids to Work Day is April 24

UCOP’s first TOKTWD event since the COVID-19 pandemic will be celebrated in Oakland and at the UCPath Center.

SERG marks Earth Month with Oakland, UCPath and virtual events

Get tips for reducing waste, swap crops and plants, get a plant starter kit and compostable coffee grounds or check out the Oakland rooftop garden.

Hands of UCSF researcher working on laptop next to sample vials

Big data, bigger impact on health care transformation from CDI2

Cora Han, J.D., shares perspectives on health care data, training data-minded clinicians and collaborating with a community of experts.

Doctor holding cellphone

Get to know Accolade health care advocate

Attend an upcoming webinar to learn how Accolade can support you on your health care journey.

Row of people's arms taped with crossed red IV bandages

Sign up and save the date: Red Cross Blood Drive on June 18 in Oakland

Blood is desperately needed. Join UCOP colleagues in giving back.