Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

Personal finance workshops start next week: Sign up now!

Why not invest an hour this summer to improve your personal finances?

Deadline extended! LaSA’s Night at the Ballpark

The deadline to reserve and pay for your seat(s) has been extended to Friday, July 7.

Come to a Box training session to learn about this storage and collaboration tool

Box has become the primary document storage and collaboration tool at UCOP. Come to a one-hour training session to learn about it.

Update on UCOP’s response to state audit

We have just passed our first major milestone, a 60-day report to the California State Auditor, which details the actions we are taking in all recommendation areas.

Man working on laptop

The UC Learning Center (UCLC) is changing!

To provide you with a better learning experience, UCLC will be offline from July 28 through Aug. 9 in order to complete a major system upgrade.

Shine some light on your personal finances with a summer workshop

Take a look at the third quarter schedule of free personal financial workshops.

The need for blood doesn’t take a summer vacation

Can you spare an hour to save three lives?

DATE CHANGE for Elder Care and Aging in Place brown bag

Please update your calendar: This event has been rescheduled from June 28 to July 6.

Reserve by Friday for LaSA’s July Night at the Ballpark

Reserve and pay by June 30 if you want to join your colleagues at the July 31 ballgame.

Majority of UC Irvine’s Class of 2017 are first-generation students

A record 54 percent of bachelor’s degrees awarded at UC Irvine this year went to first-generation college students.