Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

Dr. Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo on COVID-19 health disparities 

Don’t miss the second event in the Black Staff and Faculty Organization’s series exploring COVID-19 health disparities in the African-American community and underserved populations.

An expert answers your COVID-19 questions

From clothing to groceries, there are a lot of question marks these days. What should we actually worry about, and what’s just overkill? Dr. John Swartzberg of UC Berkeley gives us some clarity.

Join UC Legal in championing women’s heart health

On Feb. 7, UCOP’s UC Legal team will wear red in support of the American Heart Association’s Go Red for Women campaign. Learn more about women’s heart health — and how you can support transformative research.

Free flu shots at the Kaiser building in Oakland

Kaiser is sponsoring free flu shots for all UCOP employees! Regardless of your health plan, come down to 300 Lakeside Drive to protect yourself against this year’s flu.

Spring Flowers

Seasonal allergies: Tips for relief

If the spring showers have led to blooms that are leaving you feeling sneezy and irritated, you’re not alone. Get help coping with advice from UC Davis Health.

Special event: Alcoholism and the science of addiction

On April 30, join the PACSW for a special presentation on the neurological science behind alcohol addiction, featuring Frederic Hopf, Ph.D., of UCSF. The event will take place in Franklin and via Zoom.