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Rachael in Oakland

Tuesday: UC Womxn in Tech will host a fireside chat with Rachael Nava

Learn about Rachael's visionary and strategic approach to fostering an inclusive and engaging work environment.

UCOP Oakland building

Upcoming changes in UCOP HR

The UCOP Human Resources function will shift from UCOP Operations to Systemwide HR, effective Dec. 1. 

Rachael in Oakland

UC Womxn in Tech to host a fireside chat with Rachael Nava

Join UC WIT for a virtual fireside chat to learn more about UC EVP/COO Rachael Nava and her innovative approach to leading the university.

Rachael Nava

A message from Rachael Nava: Coping with election uncertainties

EVP/COO Nava provides supportive resources for staff.

EVP/COO Rachael Nava (standing) and UC leaders visit with UCPath staff.

UC leaders gather at UCPath for connecting and conversation

UCPath welcomed UC Operations and UCOP leaders from Oakland for a day of connecting, talking shop and sharing a little food.

Rachael Nava, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, University of California

EVP/COO Rachael Nava encourages ERG participation

Rachael has requested managers' and supervisors' support in encouraging employees to participate in employee resource groups.

UCOP Oakland building

VIDEO: President Drake and UCOP leaders share our new strategic framework

UCOP leaders gathered with President Drake over Zoom to share an overview and insights about the new UCOP Strategic Framework.

Rachael Nava, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, University of California

Rachael Nava invites staff to join President Drake and UCOP leaders for a strategic framework Zoom event

Don't miss this kick-off conversation for the new UCOP Strategic Framework. Questions are accepted in advance of the event.

Watch Shirley Bittlingmeier, Rachael Nava and Paul Williams discuss equity

Learn from UCOP leaders as they share their journeys and perspectives in equity, diversity, inclusion and anti-racism.

Join us for Leading Toward Equity on Wednesday, May 10

Join us to hear from and engage with UCOP leaders as they share their EDI journeys.