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Brandon Tsai wins Grad Slam in 2023

Tune in Friday for Grad Slam!

Grad Slam provides a glimpse into the incredible breadth of graduate research happening across the UC system.

2023 Grad Slam winners: Brandon Tsai, UCLA; Elissa Monteiro, UC Riverside; Julia Mouat, UC Davis; and Aneelman Brar, UC Merced. (Photo: Robert Durell)

Grad Slam is on! Tune in and vote on May 3 as grad students wow in 3-minute talks

UC’s Grad Slam delivers a masterclass in concision and cutting-edge research.

Jazmin Nevarez Campos, undergraduate researcher at UC Merced

How UC students are turning climate anxiety into action

Through the Bonnie Reiss Climate Action Fellowship, students at every UC location do climate research, organize peers to take action and develop practical solutions to climate challenges.

Worried man next to a vintage Game Boy

Can’t stop worrying? Why video games help

There’s a reason why video games are so good at capturing our attention — and research from UC Riverside suggests that they can have major benefits for our mental health.

Water overflowing from a pipe onto a field

Plans for water equity in a warming world

Researchers are exploring ways to distribute California surface water more equitably among agriculture, cities and unincorporated communities, and the environment.

A hummingbird flies through the opening of an aperture

Fig. 1 reveals the secrets of hummingbird flight

Hummingbirds zip around at dizzying speeds, employing moves that are downright acrobatic as they search for nectar. How do they do it?

UC student standing in front of a wall of 0s and 1s computer code

UC researchers share three fixes for AI’s bias problem

UC researchers are identifying discrimination in, and devising solutions for, the algorithms shaping our society.

Fig. 1 demystifies red wine headaches

Find out why red wine sometimes gives you a headache, even before you’ve finished a single glass.

Illustration of a teenager with pink hair and a nose ring, with text pointing to their brain -

Turning 18 doesn’t make you an adult — according to neuroscience

UC's vibrant Fig. 1 video series has created a new video that shares insights into the teenage brain.