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Shout-Out for Carolin Mathew

Thanks to Carolin’s hard work on the Reporting Instance application, the project was a great success!

Shout-Out for External Relations and Communications Colleagues

Regents Analyst Clare Sheridan is grateful to colleagues for assistance in bringing the UC student regent recruitment effort online this year.

Shout-Out for Brian Russ

Thanks to Brian Russ, UC Health colleagues got the invaluable expertise they needed to develop an interagency agreement seamlessly.

Shout-Out for Latascha Magness-Cotton and Eddie Brown

Thanks to Latascha and Eddie’s great work, the Oakland move process has been seamless and quick for the Capital Asset Strategies & Finance team.

Steve Pease & Edwin Martinez

Encore Shout-Out for Steve Pease and Edwin Martinez

As the months of COVID-19 workplace disruptions roll on, Steve and Edwin have remained a trusted and helpful source of support.

Shout-Out: Lania Robinson

The UCOP Business Resource Center is grateful for the hard work and partnership that Lania has provided over the last several months.

Shout-Out for Amy Vrizuela

Amy’s team members are inspired by her leadership, can-do attitude, problem-solving skills and other admirable qualities.

Shout-Out for Steve Pease and Edwin Martinez

Steve and Edwin have been hard at work making sure that UCOP staff have the equipment they need to work from home. Thank you!