Link: UCOP's e-newsletter

Stay Informed. Stay Connected.

Perfect your remote professional presence with Yvette Gullatt and Jessica Chen

Working remotely has become a new reality for many of us. Learn how to navigate this new territory to cultivate your remote professional presence and lead effective remote meetings.

Advance your career with tips for managing others

Whether you aspire to lead a team, need tips to develop your supervisory skills or are in search of new insights to motivate your team, this webinar will discuss the ins and outs of managing and inspiring others.

Get leadership insights this Thursday. Move up in your career!

Learn what it takes to make the move from an independent contributor to leading a team or to advance from mid-level management to senior leadership roles during this helpful webinar presented by the UC Alumni Career Network.

Leadership insights: Advance your career

On Thursday, Jan. 30, learn what it takes to make the move from independent contributor to leading a team or to advance from mid-level management to senior leadership roles.

Navigate your next career transition

Are you looking for a career change or hoping to find a job that better aligns with your passion and skills? Don't miss the next episode of the UC Alumni Career Network on Wednesday, Nov. 20.

Learn how to navigate a career transition

If you’re looking for a career change, reentering the workforce after taking time off or hoping to find a job that aligns your passion and skills, don’t miss the next episode of the UC Alumni Career Network.

UC Alumni Career Network: Navigating career transition

Are you looking for a career change? Re-entering the workforce after taking time off? Hoping to find a job that aligns your passion and skills? Navigating career transition can be a daunting task filled

LinkedIn Live

10 tips for discovering a meaningful second-act career

Regardless of your catalyst for change, the second act career is all about intention, defining what you want the next portion of your life to be. Vice Provost Yvette Gullatt and Merideth Mehlberg of the Merideth Mehlberg Group share what you need to know.

Yvette Gullatt and Merideth Mehlberg host UC’s first LinkedIn Live

UC is hosting its first-ever LinkedIn Live event on Oct. 23. Don’t miss this great opportunity to hear OP’s inspiring vice provost interview a successful UC Berkeley alumna on how to channel your passions into a meaningful second-act career.

Insider insights from career coaches and executive recruiters

At the next UC Alumni Career Network session, UC alumni working as career coaches and executive recruiters will share tangible tips to help you advance, expand and stay relevant in today’s workforce.

Insider Insights from Career Coaches & Executive Recruiters

Are you jumping back into the workforce? Looking to advance in your current company? Thinking of the right ways to increase your professional brand and connections? Join us on October 18 for the next