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UC students on campus

Applying to UC? Help is here.

From tips for filling out the application to finding help with college costs, we’ve got resources that can help.

How UC students are unlocking the power of the youth vote

Meet UC students doing their part this election season to keep our democracy strong.

Welcoming UC’s newest undergrads

The UC newsroom talked to University of California’s newest undergrads to hear how they’re feeling as they start the school year.

Students prepare to craft their brews in the coffee lab at UC Davis

Explore the UC experience

When prospective college students choose to go to a UC, they get an experience that goes way beyond a prestigious degree.

Group of smiling students at UC Merced

10 surprising facts about UC financial aid

Did you know that more than half of UC’s California undergrads pay no tuition? Learn about how financial aid can put UC within reach.

Students walking at the UC Riverside campus

UC campuses rise to the top in Money’s 2024 Best Colleges

All nine University of California undergraduate campuses earned either 4.5 or 5 stars in Money’s 2024 list of Best Colleges, placing them among the top tier of the nation’s universities for educational quality, affordability and student outcomes.

UC’s transfer students triumph in the Class of 2024

Meet 10 first-gen graduates who started their journey to UC at a California community college.

Undergraduate student Maria Sitzoglou studying in the art and architecture library.

California higher-ed institutions collaborate to ease financial aid access

A new higher-ed collaboration helps California students from mixed-citizenship-status households complete the FAFSA.

Diverse group of UC undergraduate students standing together smiling

UC enrolls a record-setting number of California students in fall 2023

The University of California enrolled the largest class of students in history this past fall — including a significant increase in California undergraduates and a corresponding decline in out-of-state students.

UCLA transfer student

More than half of UC transfer students pay no tuition: 8 little-known facts about paying for UC

Check out these helpful affordability tips if you, or students you support, are thinking of transferring to UC.