A structural change for equity at UCOP
The Graduate, Undergraduate and Equity Affairs (GUEA) Department interlaces UC equity and student success areas for greater impact.
The Graduate, Undergraduate and Equity Affairs (GUEA) Department interlaces UC equity and student success areas for greater impact.
Here’s how to practice professionalism in a socially distanced world.
Join BSFO during our Black History Month kick-off event featuring keynote speaker Yvette Gullatt, Ph.D., vice provost and chief outreach officer/interim vice president of Student Affairs.
Regardless of your catalyst for change, the second act career is all about intention, defining what you want the next portion of your life to be. Vice Provost Yvette Gullatt and Merideth Mehlberg of the Merideth Mehlberg Group share what you need to know.
UC is hosting its first-ever LinkedIn Live event on Oct. 23. Don’t miss this great opportunity to hear OP’s inspiring vice provost interview a successful UC Berkeley alumna on how to channel your passions into a meaningful second-act career.