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17 October 2011 Open Forum
UC Berkeley's academic deans are sponsoring a forum on the future of the public university, from 12 to 2 p.m. at UC Berkeley's Pauley Ballroom. Submit questions before, during or after the event, and stay tuned for more forums.
17 October 2011 Did You Know?
Did you know that UC has cut employee injuries by nearly 40 percent since 2004? A new program kicking off this month offers free and personalized wellness coaching to those at high risk for workplace injuries.
17 October 2011 OP Headlines
The final of three public demos is scheduled for next Monday, Oct. 24, on UCOP's new budgeting tool, a web-based planning software that will facilitate and standardize the budget development process across the organization.
12 October 2011 OP Headlines
Join UCOP offices in observing the Great California ShakeOut earthquake drill this Thursday, Oct. 20.
11 October 2011 OP Headlines
If you missed the third annual Town Hall with President Yudof, you can watch the video on UStream.
Donna Jones, a UC alumna, will join UCOP as the new Budget Director starting Nov. 1. She brings more than 30 years of UC experience to her new position, including serving as Budget Director of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Jane Wellman, a nationally renowned expert on higher education policy, spoke about the mismatch between public perceptions and fiscal realities for universities nationwide, during an Oct. 5 talk for OP staff.
Dwaine B. Duckett, UC’s vice president for Human Resources, will answer faculty and staff questions Oct. 24 during a live, webchat with Penny Herbert, UC staff advisor to the Regents, and Ravinder Singh, chair of the Council of UC Staff Assemblies.
10 October 2011 OP Headlines
UC and the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees reach agreement on a deal that covers more than 20,000 employees at UC campuses and medical centers. The contract covers wages, benefits and other matters.
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